Monday, December 19, 2016

Weekend Update!

Anita is doing exceptionally well. The doctors want her health to stay at its current level so that she can be ready to have this next liver transplant as soon as it becomes available.

Brandon & Aimee were able to make it up through the snow storm Friday night and spent Saturday & Sunday with Anita. Sunday, Anita took 30 laps around the 10th floor! She was cruising!

The doctors are pleased with her vitals although they continue to worry about infections. She currently has 5 tubes (she lost one the other day) and they are concerned about infection with those but so far so good.

The Medical team has her pain under control and the only pain she experienced was when they were installing a new IV. She was poked 6 different times and each time they had to dig for a new vein. The 7th time was the charm!!


1 comment:

  1. Whitney, thank you so much for faithfully posting on this blog! So many of us are thinking of Anita and your updates are wonderful! Please tell Anita I said "hi" and I'm sure playing tractors with Kimball is the best medicine.
    Carolyn Rose
